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frequently asked questions!

Experience the freedom seamless travel with Zairent. Whether you're planning a weekend getaway.

What documents do I need to rent a car with Zairent?

The minimum age to rent a car is 21 years, but some vehicle categories may have higher age requirements.

What is the minimum age requirement for renting a car?

The minimum age to rent a car is 21 years, but some vehicle categories may have higher age requirements.

Can I modify or cancel my booking?

The minimum age to rent a car is 21 years, but some vehicle categories may have higher age requirements.

Do you offer one-way rentals?

The minimum age to rent a car is 21 years, but some vehicle categories may have higher age requirements.

What happens if the car breaks down?

The minimum age to rent a car is 21 years, but some vehicle categories may have higher age requirements.